Sunday, January 25, 2009

Braised Goat Canelloni

Goat is cheap and plentiful in Miami, and I just braised about 5 pounds of goat ribs for about 5 hours down at 250 degrees in a covered pan. I laid down a bunch of carrots and onions, then covered the meat in coconut milk and raisins. I wanted to stay away from tomatoes, and add ingredients that would emphasize the sweetness of goat meat. After picking the meat off the bones, it went inside al dente cannelloni, then covered by some leftover oxtail ragu and a bunch of cheese. Bake covered at 350 until heated through and cheese is melted, about 30 minutes.

Throw the goat in the oven in the morning, then let it rest until it comes near room temperature; then refrigerate and reheat the next day-just warm enough to shred the meat off the bones. You can use any kind of sauce to cover-even the liquid from the goat braise. The whole thing cost me about $20 and made 20 cannellonis.