Monday, February 25, 2008

Giada's Yada's

The sunburned snowbirds on Ocean Drive.

Under a gorgeous sky. Big line to see...


Ahem. Kim and Dania pour sparkling liqueur Nuvo, my new favorite cocktail. "Nuvo is best served chilled over ice in a Champagne flute, to capture the essence of the Nuvo Experience." Go on...

Nazly and Pamela from Domo Japones.
Catch their 'Cocktails Anyone?' on Thursday night.
There's some cocktails involved, apparently, according to Shal ben-Ami ("The Operator"),
but I'm a little hazy on the details. I believe we spoke of cucumber foam, shiso-based Mojito's, and lighter fluid (that's what it says in my notes, anyway).

Wonder if they'll be serving Nuvo?