Smoked Marlin Tacos...
Is that a potato chip?
They're exactly 3" across
Tuna Tacos...
Best part of the place? Without a doubt, the bathrooms. (For the rules on bathrooms, see ) Plenty of surfaces, good area, decent lighting, clean as hell, and the blue tile pattern is trippy after a few. And the walk back from the bathrooms is pretty cool, too, you're outside getting some fresh air. Take a nice deep breath. Just don't get to close to the pond, and walk quickly-those big fish look menacing; and don't try to sit in those clear acryllic chairs-they're just an illusion...
Go back to the bar and grab a cocktail-the bartenders, at least, are not skimpy with the alcohol, and know how to make a good caipirinha. For $11, that's cheaper than the 5 teeny tacos for $15, and probably more filling. Plus, you're probably not that hungry anymore.